Hi, I'm Michelle, a coupon-crazy Maineah! This page is intended to be a public forum for sharing of tips, tricks and match-ups specific to Maine and the New England area. Are you tired of coupon match-ups that reference coupons we didn't get locally? Me too, so here we are, focusing on local stores and coupons that are received in Maine Newspapers!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
This Is How I Took Advantage of the P&G Catalina at Hannaford!
My mission today was to confirm that the Proctor and Gamble Catalina reported yesterday was working. It sure is! I can't confirm for you if the $15 purchase requirement is before or after coupons since my totals were over, but history would suggest it may work with a below $15 after-coupon total.
Here's what we did today! Yes, I said we...my lovely husband helped out!
Transactions 1 and 2:
Pampers Diapers $10.97
Used $1.50/1 Pampers Coupon
Pampers Wipes Re-fills $7.99
Used $.75/1 Pampers Wipes Coupon
Total Paid $33.42
Received $5 Catalina
Since most will only print one offer per transaction, we each did one just to make sure we would get them both.
Transaction #3:
24 Jars of BeechNut Stage 2 Foods at $.55 each, $13.20
Used 3 $1/8 BeechNut Jars Coupons
BeechNut Rice Cereal $2.19
Used $1/1 BeechNut Cereal Coupon
Total After Manufacturer's Coupons $11.39
Used 2 $5 Catalinas from previous transactions
Total Paid $1.39
So...the diapers bought the food!!!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Cottonelle Catalina at Shaw's Starting Sunday 4/29
Check out this great unadvertised Catalina promotion starting at Shaw's (and possibly other stores) on Sunday!
Cottonelle Bath Tissue, 12-pack:
Buy 2 Get $2 OYNO
Buy 3 Get $3 OYNO
Cottonelle Flushable Moist Wipes 42ct+
Buy 2 Get $2 OYNO
Buy 3 Get $3 OYNO
You can use this $1.50 off One Bath Tissue and One Wipes coupon to score a sweet deal. Also keep your eye out for peelies for $1.50/1 Bath Tissue...I snagged one at Walmart this week! The printed notice indicates the deal will run through May 22nd, so plenty of time for more coupons to come out.
Happy Saving!
Monday, April 23, 2012
WOO HOO!!! Another Pepsi Moments to Save Insert This Sunday!!!
As a self-proclaimed, not even trying to recover, wouldn't think of quitting Diet Pepsi addict, I am very happy to share that we will be getting another Moments to Save insert in our April 29th newspapers!!! No word on what coupons will be included, but I will be sure to keep you all updated when more information is available!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Since CVS Was So Much Fun, My Wonderful Husband Took Me To Shaw's Too!!!
After getting the last three boxes of Milk Bites last night I was pretty sure the Windham store hadn't re-stocked yet, but I still gave it a shot. No surprise...they were still all out, but we made the most of it!
Save $5 Instantly WYB 5 Participating Kraft Items:
3 Kraft Fresh Takes $2.99 each
Used $1/1 Kraft Fresh Takes received in the mail with my free Fresh Takes coupon received for being a member of Kraft First Taste
Also used 1 $1.50/2 Kraft Products Printable (NLA)
Price after coupons $6.47 for all 3
Kraft Mexican Blend Shredded Cheese $2.99
No coupon on this one, just a very cute husband who asked if he could get it!
Philadelphia Cooking Cream $2.99
Used $1.50/1 Philadelphia Cooking Cream Coupon (Savings Club Members Only)
Price after coupon $1.49
Total $10.95
After $5 Instant Savings Paid $5.95
4 Mueller's Pastas, $1 each
Used 4 $.55/1 Mueller's Pasta Coupons, doubled (sign up to get email link to coupon)
FREE plus $.40 overage
4 Kozy Shack Puddings $1 each
Used 4 $.75/1 Kozy Shack Pudding Coupons from 3/11 SS, doubled
All 4 FREE...no overage since the coupons only doubled to the full, regular price.
4 HyDrive Energy Drinks, sale price 4/$5
Used 4 $.55/1 HyDrive Energy Drink coupons from the gas station, doubled
Paid $.15 each!
Reusable Bag $.99
Used store coupon for a Free Reusable bag in celebration of Earth Day
Total Retail Value $32.00
Store Preferred Savings $8.71
Coupon savings including doubling $16.80
Total OOP $6.49 including tax and bottle deposits
A savings of 80%!!!!!!
Date Night at CVS...So Romantic!
Once I completed my stockpile overhaul, I got some more work done around the house to maximize my child-free time, then I rewarded myself with a shopping trip!
6 A&W Root Beers $1.87 each, BOGO
Used 2 $1/2 7-Up, Sunkist, Sun Drop, Canada Dry or A&W Soda Coupons
I only had 2 left after yesterday's CVS deals, and I will explain below why I got 6
Paid $3.61
2 Right Guard Body Washes 2/$6
Used $2/2 Right Guard Body Wash Coupon from 4/15 RP
Paid $4
Earned $2 ECB
NatuRelief Natural Pain Reliever $8.49
Used $1/1 NatuRelief from 3/11 SS
Paid $7.49
Earned $8.49 ECB
Total Before Coupons $20.10, this is why I got 6 sodas despite only having 2 coupons. I received a $4 off $20 coupon from the magic coupon machine yesterday and was determined to use it!
Total after all manufacturer and store coupons $11.40, including bottle deposits
Used ECB of $8 and $4, creating a credit of $.60
The total tax was $.81, so I paid the difference of $.21
Don't ask me know that happened...it just did, so I paid with pennies!!!!
I used $12 in ECB and earned $10.49 back, a total ECB loss of only $1.51!
Need a Date Night Idea??? Groupon Has a Movie Deal for Maine, Finally!
Here's a great reason to register for Groupon and pay attention to the deal alerts emailed to you! Today only, you can purchase $39 worth of movie tickets and concession food for only $19!!!
Here are the details:
$19 for Movie for Two (Up to $39 Value)
- Two movie tickets (up to a $9 value each)
- Two medium popcorns (a $6.50 value each)
- Two medium sodas (a $4 value each)
Choose from the following locations:
- Sharon Cinemas 8
- Entertainment Cinemas Edgartown 2
- East Bridgewater Cinema 5
- Mountain Valley Mall Cinema 7
- Bangor Mall Cinemas 10
- Claremont Cinema 6
- Island Cinemas 10
- Wells Five Star Cinema 7
- Windham Five Star Cinema 7
- Nordica Theatre
- Groton Cinema 6
- Entertainment Cinemas Seymour 12
- Entertainment Cinemas South Kingstown 8
- Derry Five Star Cinemas 12
- Gilford Cinema 8
Stockpile Overhaul!!!
Welcome to my home...and my stockpile!
I am lucky to have an awkward quazi-room in my basement which is perfect for my stockpile! I have a half-wall on one side which is great for heavier items such as sodas and canned goods. My shelving is limited to two small plastic units in one corner. This is a limitation imposed by my husband to keep me in check, and I don't blame him!
Here we go!!!!!!
The last time I did a full re-org was before Christmas, so this was long overdue!
Not everything you see here is actually part of my stockpile.
This room is used for other storage needs as well.
My shelves after!!!
Here's the half wall...complete with curtains under the products to protect the paint!
Okay, maybe you're right Hun, we might not need any more toothpaste...
Does anyone know what this space is waiting for??? Now, you may be thinking, "I see 20 or so bottles of dressing there, why does she need more?" Well, we are entering pasta salad and grilled chicken season. The bottles of Ken's are quite small, so I will use two for marinades every time I make chicken, and three or four for every batch of pasta salad!
One of the tips I give in my classes is making sure you purge regularly to avoid
letting food go beyond the expiration date.
A super easy way to make sure you do this is by clearly labeling the expiration date
on dry goods which tend to expire within a few months of purchase.
I also label my cereal boxes since they may take longer to go through, at least in my house.
Maybe the best part of the process is my donation boxes!!! All ready to go!!!
You may have noticed a few notable deals don't seem to be in my stockpile. I also have several other storage areas elsewhere in my house. Diapers are in the baby's room, pasta is in the kitchen, and spices are in the pantry, just to name a few. Anyone else rushing off right now to organize???
This is How I Party on Friday Night!!!
This week at Shaw's brought so many great deals, I was excited to buy more than just a few things for once! Believe me...I will be going back! Since there's a chance you're spending at least $50 this week, don't forget to get your $5 off $50 coupon from Recyclebank before heading to the store. There are tons of great ways to earn points right now, and only 50 points gets you this coupon. Plus, it's a standard Bricks coupon with two prints!
Now, for my deals!!!
Kraft $5 Instant Savings WYB 5 participating products:
3 Kraft Milk Bite at $2.99 each
Used 4 $.75/1 Kraft Milk Bite Coupons, doubled
$1.49 each after coupons
2 Philadelphia Cooking Creams at $2.99 each
Used $1.50/2 Fresh Takes, Philly Cooking Cream or Indulgence or Milk Bites Coupon (NLA)
$2.24 each after coupons
Total $8.95
Minus $5 Instant Savings
Paid $3.95 for all 5 items...an average of only $.79 each!
My original plan was to get 4 Milk Bites and 1 Fresh Takes...stay tuned!
4 Boxes of Popsicles $1 each
Used $.50/1 Popsicle Product Coupons (NLA, I hope you got yours!), doubled
All 4 FREE!!!!!!
Earthbound Farm Organic Carrotts
2 1-pound bags at $1.29 each
Used 2 $.75/1 Earthbound Organic Product Coupons (register), doubled to full price
Bananas $.82
2 Vidalia Onions BOGO
2 2-pound bags, $2.99 each
Used $.50 Vidalia Onion Coupon, doubled
Paid $1.99 for two bags!!!
2 Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs $5.99 each, BOGO
Used $1/1 Nathan's Product Coupon (with a BOGO, you can only use a coupon on the item you are paying for, not the free one)
Paid $4.99 for both, only $2.50 each for high quality hot dogs...you're welcome Hun!
4 French's Dijon Mustard, $1.99 each
Used 4 $.75/1 French's Dijon Mustard Coupons from 3/18 SS, doubled
Paid $.49 each, only $1.96 for all four
This is a great deal with BBQ season right around the corner!!!
4 Mueller's Pasta $1
Used 4 $.55/1 Mueller's Pasta Coupons (sign up to get the email link)
Coupons doubled for a total of $1.10 off each box
FREE plus $.40 overage!!!
Maruchan Yakisoba Noodles $.99...did you know they had cheese ones?!?!?!?!
Used $.50/1 from 3/11 SS, doubled to price of the item
Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice $3.89 each, BOGO
Used coupon for one FREE Ocean Spray product received by mail
Both FREE!!!
The last time the printable BOGO coupon was out, before Shaw's changed their policy (YAY!) I contacted Ocean Spray letting them know that my store doesn't take internet BOGO coupons. They sent me a coupon for a free product! I saved it for the next BOGO sale so I could get two for free!
Wild Harvest Baby Food $.99
I loaded a $1 off any Wild Harvest item e-Coupon to my SavingStar Account
I paid for the item and will have a $1 credit on my account for $.01 overage!
BeechNut Rice Cereal $2.59
Used $.75/1 BeechNut Cereal Coupon, doubled
Paid $1.09
Sundown Naturals Chewable Vitamin C
Regularly priced at $8.49
Reduced by 75% to only $2.12
Used $1/1 Sundowns Naturals Product coupon from 4/15 RP (I actually had it with me!)
Paid $1.12!!!
Hood Half & Half 2/$3
Used $1/2 Hood Creamer Products Coupon
Final Price $2 for both!
Gallon of Milk $3.95...I can't lie to you and pretend I didn't get things my family needed!
Shaw's Reusable Bag $.99
Used Reusable Bag Coupon on the Shaw's Facebook Page
Now for what might be my favorite deal of the day...not because it's something I love, but because of the great coupon lesson to be found in it! I LOVE finding coupons at gas stations. Every time we stop to fill up (UGH!) I head into the store looking for tear-pads on the beverage coolers and even in the candy and chip aisles. If you're in the Windham area, head over to the Irving store at the intersection of 35 and 302 to score some great coupons on HyDrive Energy Drinks to score this deal!
4 HyDrive Energy Drinks, sale price 4/$5
Used 4 $.55/1 HyDrive Energy Drinks, doubled (I was shocked to find that there was NO DND language on these coupons!!!)
Paid $.15 each!
My husband just tried one...let's just say he's all for finding more of these coupons!!!
Total Retail Value $99.58
Store Preferred Savings $36.09
Coupon Savings including doubles and SavingStar $42.26
Final Cost $21.03
That's a savings of 80%!!!!!!
Friday, April 20, 2012
More CVS Deals!!!
Today I decided to do something useful with my lunch break...SHOP! I can eat any time, but great deals are only around for a week at a time, so off to CVS I went. Since I was shopping near work instead of home, I got to try out a new store. I headed to the Congress Street Westgate location and was less than impressed to find that their magic coupon machine was broken! The other strange observation was that they didn't seem to carry the A&W Root Beer as part of this week's BOGO deal. It's not that they were out, they don't even carry them. It's off to Windham tonight for me!
Here's what I did get:
4 7-Up and Sunkist Sodas, $1.87 each BOGO
Used 2 $1/2 7-Up, Sunkist, Sun Drop, Canada Dry or A&W Soda Coupons
Paid $1.74 plus tax and deposit
This is amazing since anything under $1 is usually my stock-up price for soda!
2 Colgate Total Advanced Toothpaste
Regular Price $3.79
Sale Price $2.99
Used $1/1 Colgate Advanced Coupons
Paid $1.99 each for $3.98 total
Received $4 in ECB!
2 Advil PM 4-Count $.99 each
Used 2 $1/1 Advil PM 4-Count+ from 3/11 RP
Total Retail Value $17.04
Total After Coupons $6.51 including tax and deposit
Used $5 ECB from prior purchase
Paid $1.51 OOP
Earned $4 in ECB so I am only down $1 in ECB from where I started the day!
I started this challenge with $14.99 in ECB and a $10 Gift Card I earned on Swagbucks. I now have $22.99 left in ECB and have purchased $86.01 worth of products.
Since the magic coupon machine was broken, a few printed out on my receipt:
$4 off $20 or more...my favorite for when there are great diaper deals!
$1 off any Secret, Old Spice or Gillette Deodorant...I see a stack in my future!
and $3 off any L'Oreal Cosmetics...Because I'm Worth It! Seriously, the coupon actually says that!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Get Rewarded for Printing Coupons!
One of the most important lessons I have learned since embarking on this adventure we call couponing is the importance of consistency and dedication. So many of the real deals and freebies come from rewards earned and keeping the savings rolling.
You have all been watching my recent success with my CVS Challenge. Now, I am seeing how the benefits of enrolling in Staples Rewards can really ad up. The largest expense for me as a couponer is printer ink. Not only for printing coupons, but also for creating class documents to spread this wonderful addiction all around Maine. I hope you're already earning rewards from Swagbucks including 10 bucks every time you redeem a coupon printed from their site. You can also earn great rewards for buying the ink you used to print those coupons!
Here's how I capitalized on Staples Rewards this weekend:
Earned $10.30 in rewards from past purchases
Received a coupon by mail for $15 off any HP Ink purchase of $75 or more
You can always earn $2 in rewards for every ink cartridge recycled, and every few months there will be a promotion for higher rewards. Last week was one of those weeks:
My plan was to spend as little over $75 as possible to use my $10.30 in rewards and $15 coupon, while still keeping my total over $50 to qualify for triple recycling. Well, one trend I have found is the pricing strategy at Staples makes it very difficult to do this, so when a minimum purchase is required for a particular promotion, I tend to go over by more than I would like, but it just means I'm getting that much more of a product I need.
HP 564XL Value Pack with black and all three colored cartridges $49.99
HP 564XL Black Cartridge $22.99
HP 564 Black Cartridge $11.99
Total $84.97
After Coupon and Rewards $59.67 for a savings of 30%
Future Rewards:
I recycled 5 cartridges to earn $30 in recycling rewards
I will also earn 10% back on my entire ink purchase (after coupons and rewards redeemed) for an additional $6 back
In the end, I spent $59.67 and earned $36 back. This is the product of sticking to a store and being diligent about understanding their rewards program.
A nice surprise at the register was a coupon for $5 off $25! It's not valid on HP Ink as is usually the case, so I might use it to buy some generic ink. My evil plan here is that HP will give HUGE rewards for recycling generic cartridges (something like $10 each) WYB their brand in the same transaction. Stay tuned for that one!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Keepin' It Rolling...I Love CVS Extra Care Bucks!
After last week's CVS adventures, I had $1.19 left on the gift card I earned through Swagbucks and $22.99 in Extra Care Bucks. I submitted a myCVS Pharmacist Story to earn another $3 in ECB, bringing my total available to spend up to $27.18.
My CVS challenge continued yesterday with some Biore success! The second truck of the week at the Windham store did bring some product in, though very little remained yesterday for the last day of the sale.
Biore Pore Strips $7.99
Biore Ice Cleanser $7.99
On Sale 2 for $15, plus earn $5 ECB WYB 2
Used Free Cleanser WYB Pore Strips Coupon from 3/4 SS
Final Cost for both $7.50, plus tax
I used $4 in ECB from a previous purchase
and my $3 myCVS Pharmacist Story ECB
Plus $1.10 on the gift card
I used $8.10 of my available funds, and earned $5 more
Challenge Totals:
$68.97 worth of products
I have $23.99 in ECB and $.10 left on my gift card
I started my challenge with $24.99 to spend, so I have spent $.90 on everything!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
I'm So Happy at Shaw's...
After my latest Hannaford stress, I was so happy to return home to Shaw's tonight! In addition to a warm welcome, I got some great deals, here they are!
BeechNut Rice Cereal $2.29 (once again, regular price, but we needed it)
Used $.75/1 BeechNut Cereal Coupon, doubled
Paid $.79
2 Taster's Choice Instant Coffee 6-packs $1.29
Used 2 $.75/1 Taster's Choice Product, doubled
Both FREE!!!!!! (coupon doubled to the full price, no overage)
2 McCormick's Recipe Inspriations $1 each
Used 2 $.75/1 from the 3/25 RP, doubled
Both FREE plus $1 overage (see how HERE)
Shaw's Hot Dog Buns, regularly $2.69
Reduced to $1.10 (hubby's request, and he's lucky I found one in the reduced section)
4 Keebler Club Crackers $2 each WYB 4
Used 4 $.70/1 Club Crackers Coupons, doubled
Paid $2.40 total, only $.60 each!!!
I decided to take advantage of this week's baby promotion, mostly because I needed baby products. If I still had a stockpile of baby food and diapers, this one wouldn't have been so tempting. By spending $30 on participating baby products, you earn a $10 Catalina for your next purchase of baby products.
32 Jars of BeechNut Stage 2 Baby Food, $.55 each
Used 2 $2/16 BeechNut Baby Food coupons
Huggies Naturals Diapers $9.49
Used $2/1 Huggies Naturals coupon from inside a previously purchased package of Huggies
Huggies Wipes $2.99
Used $.50/1 from 4/1 SS, doubled
Baby Promo Totals:
Pre-Coupon total $30.08
After Coupons Paid $23.08
Full Retail Value $59.38
After Preferred Savings $47.64
After Coupons $27.96
The Catalina for the baby promotion didn't actually print, which we figured was due to the many different varieties of food I purchased. The signs for the promotion are on most of the Stage 2 varieties, but not all of them. The ad states that BeechNut Stage 2 is a participating product with no limitation on certain varieties. So.....the wonderful people of Shaw's gave me the cash!
Total OOP after $10 back...only $17.96!!!
That's a savings of 70%!!!
Formula Jackpot!
I have to start by sending out a BIG THANK YOU to Nicole for posting about this hot find today. She let us all know that the Gorham Hannaford store had tons of reduced baby food and formula. By the time I got there, all of the food was gone, but they still had plenty of formula. What's even better? I didn't take it all! There's still more there if you're in the area!
I did try to compare reduced versus full prices at Hannaford but no such luck. The shelf tags were all gone and even their website shows close out prices. These are all marked even lower than the web reports! In an attempt to capture the total savings, I will use the Walgreens in-store prices on their website as the full retail value for each item!
6 Similac Sensitive Ready to Use
Regularly Priced at $7.99
Reduced to $1.65 each
4 Similac Soy Isomil Ready to Use
Regularly Priced at $7.99
Reduced to $1.64 each
5 Similac Sensitive Concentrated
Regularly Priced at $10.99
Reduced to $2.70 each
That's a Total of $134.85 worth of Similac products for $29.96
I also have Similac rebate checks in $5 increments. I will be heading back to Hannaford where they will honor these checks since I didn't have them with me. I will use $25 worth of checks and get all of this formula for $4.96...only $.04 short of using another check!
8 Gerber Soy Powder Formula
Regularly Priced at $15.49 each
Reduced to $3.79
4 Gerber Soy Ready to Use 4-packs
Regularly Priced at $6.49 each
Reduced to $1.75
2 Gerber Gentle Ready to Use 4-packs
Regularly Priced at $6.49 each
Reduced to $1.70
Gerber Gentle Ready to Use 32oz Can
Regularly Priced at $6.99
Reduced to $1.74
B.R.A.T. Organic Chocolate Honey Drink
Regularly Priced at $5.49
Reduced to $1.37
Total Retail Value $310.19
I paid $48.79 (after Similac Rebate Checks)
That's a savings of 84%!!!!!
Now, for the venting. I wanted to make sure that my Similac rebate checks would be honored if I brought them back with the receipt. Specifically, I wanted to make sure that the products would ring up with their usual descriptions, not as general grocery or reduced merchandise. Well, that was the least of my worries.
Apparently someone else came in earlier in the day trying to do the same thing. The individual at the service desk was stumped by the "one per purchase" language on the check. Since the price of each item is less than $5, the customer was purchasing several Similac products, totaling more than the value of the checks, and was told she couldn't do it.
I will definitely be getting the okay from the store manager in person before even trying to get my money back, because these conversations feel a lot like banging my head against the wall. I tried to explain the concept of buying one product for $15, and only being able to use one $5 check, not three to make it free. I said that this is the opposite. The check states it's good for $5 off any Similac formula purchase. I am purchasing more than $5 worth of Similac formula, and the number of checks does not exceed the number of items being purchased. She said that when there isn't a "bookkeeper" to check with, they have to say no. I even showed her my business card and explained that I am well versed in this topic, thinking it would help. Not at all, she said if she doesn't know what to do, it's a no, regardless of how much knowledge I may have to offer.
I am sick and tired of Hannaford stores. I had another issue with the Windham store recently involving the evening manager literally making up fake coupon policies because he didn't like a great deal I was getting. I had a lengthy conversation with the store manager after that incident, and really don't feel like doing that again.
A deal is a deal, but sometimes I wish it wasn't so difficult!
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