Saturday, December 10, 2011

Toys R Us Crayola Update

What's that saying about seeming too good to be true???  Well, this deal was mostly true.  I received all three of my "ready to pick up" emails late last night, so I though I was good to go.  If you ordered this deal as well, make sure you scroll down in the email because you may have a hidden notice that part of your order could not be filled.

Under normal circumstances Toys R Us will just credit you back for the unavailable item.  In this case, the item I didn't get was free (the Dry Erase Markers) so there was no payment to credit back.  You may be thinking since I didn't pay for it, I shouldn't be upset.  Well, this is more of a matter of principle for me.

Toys R Us told me my product was available and completed the transaction.  They NEVER allow for substitutions on online orders.  I asked if there were any coupons or other offers available for the inconvenience...nothing.  I was told five times the order was cancelled, and that was that.  I even mentioned the possibility of going public with this experience, and nothing changed.

Again, I'm technically not out anything financially, but this is the opposite of customer service.  Had I known before finalizing the order that the item was not available, I would have made a different selection.  To me, offering a substitution is not a crazy request since that is basically what I would have done if their website could keep up with their inventory.  

It is now clear to me why I only shop there when there are deals like this, and now, not even then.  My local store is dirty, cluttered and rundown.  I don't think they've given the place a spruce since I shopped there as a child.  I do have a hard time turning down good deals, but it would have to be beyond amazing to get me back in there.

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